Our Message

This website does not, in any way, incite hatred, violence, or any ill-will whatsoever to anyone. It is just an expression of our version of the truth and haq, and most importantly our statement of solidarity with Aqa Moula Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS – The 53rd Dai of the Dawoodi Bohra Muslim Community. The name of the blog was chosen from the inspiring narrative of the only one Syedna Qutbuddin al-Shahid RA, the 32nd Dai, who stood strong in the face of tyranny and oppression and reminded us that although one can try and harm your body they can never harm your soul. He showed us how truth always prevails and ultimately brings about harmony and peace.  Please take the content on this website to unite together in an bounding love which is so enduring and everlasting that its presence itself can show others who wish to separate and divide us that their efforts will go in vain. That is our only message.


  • Amazing texts and evidences ! Im pretty sure even after reading 1 of the reasons mumineen will unite together in an bounding love … which will be everlasting ! And the people who wish to separate us and divide us will fail always ! Hats off to this site !

  • Two religious groups can address each other with respect deliberately using Fatelidawat is very shallow,I don’t belong on any side at this time ,not afraid of any social stability just an honest over lookers opinion .

    • Dear Mona,
      Thank you for reading the site. I am sorry that you were offended with the phrase fatelidawat. Fateli just means torn and is much less of a jab or insult as ‘usurper’ ‘coercing’ and other atrocities being circulated around on other websites. I am sorry that you think that social stability has anything to do with my opinions and I feel bad that you called me a ‘hoe’ and then characterize what can be defined as shallow and what cannot. I hope you have a nice day and remember, if you don’t like what is on my page your certainly don’t have to read it.

  • I meant how it was a genuine mistake I should have checked it .

  • AliAkber E Sadriwala

    I have been following each and every reasons regularly and feel that it’s been a wonderful learning experience and lots of deeni knowledge through this site.

    Keep up the great work going.. I am sure a lot more people will learn the truth from the information provided on this site along with the audio and images shared here.

    Hope the ones who have moved in the wrong direction find the right way and seek the truth here and come back to daawat.

    Abde Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS

  • pls respond to the khuzema website n his looser kids new videos…..

  • by reading this site my ikhlaas got more strong by the proofs..and all..thank u to the maker of this site…..
    maula maula Mufaddal maula… EVEN WE ARE NOT USING MEDIA TO PROOF OURSELVES

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